I wanted to give a quick update on Ella. We really don't have any more information at this time, but I knew you would be anxious to hear. Ella is currently still having her desat episodes when she is active at all. She is still pretty out of breath just trying to do simple things and she is turning all sorts of colors while she plays. We hope to get in on Monday to see her cardiologist, please pray that we are able to get in! It's hard to wait, but we decided to wait and see her cardiologist instead of seeing the on call card this week just because he knows her better and he is the one who usually contacts Dallas if need be. Thank you all for continuing to pray.
I have heard that Cali (after enduring 5 surgeries in a week) is currently stable and it is a miracle. She is far from out of the woods and I'm sure her family would appreciate your prayers to continue as well.
Absolutely praying for both little girls. Holding a 2 year old still is no fun!
5 surgeries in one week is so amazing. Prayers ocntinue