Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good night's sleep and Prayer requests

The night was good-they all 3 slept all night!  This morning they took out one drain tube and the ART (neck) line.  They will be moving her out of ICU as soon as a room is available.  Thank you Lord for your mercies and Ella's recovery so far!

Prayer Requests:
-They had to give her morphine to take out the drain tube and it is making her tummy upset.  She is spitting up quite a bit.  Pray she will begin eating better-so far she isn't eating too well today.

-She is still on 100% oxygen and 3 liters of pressure.  Pray for her to be weaned off that.

-She finishes her antibiotic this afternoon.  Pray against infection after that.  She will be out of ICU on the regular floor, so she will be exposed to more germs.  It is still very important that she not get sick!

-Her right diaphragm is elevated.  This should take care of itself-pray it will!

-She is still on a lot of lasix to help empty her bladder.  Pray they can begin reducing that.

-They are stopping another pain medicine today so she will only be on Tylenol for the pain.  Pray that Tylenol will do the job.

Again, our family thanks you all so much for your prayers, God is hearing them and answering them!  Praise the Lord!  We appreciate you praying for these requests for sweet Ella today. 

~Aunt Kristina


  1. Praise the Lord! Prayers continuing for Ella, Amy and Jon.

    Joy/Chandler, OK

  2. Rainy (eastern oklahoma)January 15, 2011 at 11:22 AM

    Praying, praying, praying!

  3. Still praying. So glad she is doing good. So so glad!

  4. What a darling picture! Where do you get her cute little hair bows?

    Cole Family

  5. I try to read your blog everyday or when I see your sister has posted something on facebook. You two are amazing and I admire your courage for your daughter. I am a rn who started out in ped's and it still makes me beam when I read or get to experience those milestone moments about little ones. You all are always in my prayers. I may not "know you" but I know that God has a devine plan in the works for you all. Ella is absolutley beautiful. I pray that God con't to touch her little body as well as your spirits and your physical body's. (I remember seeing the physical exhaustion on parents faces and it says it all, so take care yourselves.) Thank you for being so willing so share your daughters life with all of us, you all are truley inspirations.


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