Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Praise the Lord

We took Ella to the cardiologist today and got a GREAT report! We don't have to go back for 2 weeks unless a problem occurs! We saw her pediatrician yesterday and we will be getting her vaccinations next week (I think). They are going to split up the vaccines so that it isn't too much stress on her heart. Sometimes they keep heart babies in the hospital over night after they get their vaccinations just to watch them because it is so hard on them. We are praying we don't have to go to the hospital! Ella is a whopping 9lbs. 12oz.!!! She is growing at a great pace. Just over an ounce a day! Please continue to pray for her to have good levels of oxygen until her next surgery, and also that she (and Jon and I) will remain healthy and germ free! Thank you all for the continued prayers, God is hearing our plea's for Ella's life!

Also we had a fantastic turnout for the benefit run! It was truly amazing to see God work! Leslie did a fantastic job planning this run... THANK YOU! I will post more details later when I have all the information!


  1. YAY!!! That is sooo good!! I'll be praying for her as she gets her shots & for you to remain healthy!! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you!

  2. Beautiful Ella you are doing wonderful. Just as God has made you Fearfully and wonderfully made!!

  3. So glad to hear (and see) Ella's fantastic progress! I've been following your blog for awhile, but haven't been on in almost 4 weeks. Continuing to send prayers your way! :)

  4. What an amazing outfit! She's so adorable.

  5. I am amazed at your faith. Who would have thought that a small, helpless infant could change so many lives? This story has drawn me back to God again. I know others have been moved as well. For me, Ella's purpose has been to restore my relationship with God. Thank you for sharing your special gift with me.

  6. Praising God!

    Thank you for your faith and for sharing your story.


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